Quality is critical to our work and the value that we deliver to our customers. At Technibus, quality is a must and a pre-requisite for our success as a company. Our business relies on our precision, accuracy, timeliness and trust. These are our true service offerings. They are what set us apart from our competitors. They are what our customers require, demand, expect and what Technibus delivers.
To earn and keep our customer’s business, we are committed to continuous improvement through innovation, strong quality leadership and standards. We consistently strive towards, audit for, and achieve high quality and customer satisfaction through our performance excellence. Technibus’ management is committed to providing the entire company with a key focus on quality, a well defined quality system, and the latest tools to achieve it. We apply our most important resources, our employees, to understand and continuously improve our processes.
Our Quality Policy
We are committed to maintaining a goal of 100% customer satisfaction and zero defects by continually improving processes and products to ensure they consistently meet or exceed customer requirements.
Buy America Act
We understand your need for a bus duct system in compliance with the Buy American Act. We are your source for expertise and offer you certifications in compliance with this Act, if required for your project. Furthermore, we are confident your organization will feel comfortable knowing our process backs up the required certifications and helps your company comply with these Federal Government requirements.
The Buy American Act covers all purchases made by any U.S Federal Government agency for contracts above certain limits. This Act, not to be confused with the Buy America Act states, “only such manufactured articles, materials, and supplies as have been manufactured in the United States substantially all from articles, materials, or supplies mined, produced, or manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States, shall be acquired for public use.” The Buy American Act stipulates a majority of the component cost must be made in the U.S. and the manufacturing of the product must be in the U.S.
Click links below to view our certifications: