Isolated Phase Bus Products – high currents with maximum integrity – power generation
Isolated Phase Bus (IPB) is the solution for main generator leads with current ratings from 3kA up to 50 kA. Isolated Phase Bus systems from Technibus are used exclusively for main generator leads where minimal external electro-magnetic fields and maximum phase to phase fault protection is required.
Technibus provides self-cooled ratings up to 31 kA continuous. For situations requiring forced-air cooled ratings up to 50 kA continuous – a factory consultation is necessary to best meet your project needs. For installations that require momentary ratings up to 900 kA peak, Technibus has a solution to meet your specifications as well.
Technibus supplies not only the balance of plant with our low and medium voltage bus product, but can also supply the generator output with ampacities ranging from 3,000 to 50,000 amperes. Our product meets ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.23 and IEC Standards for Metal Enclosed Bus.
Contact your local Technibus sales representative to learn more about our capabilities and products, or download our brochure.
- High conductivity aluminum
- rolled or extruded
- Silver plated bolted contacts
- .5 mil thickness – Certified
- Welders Certified to AWS D1.2
Enclosure Design
- Ease of assembly and adjustment during installation
- Reduces installation time and expense
- High conductivity aluminum rolled sheet or plate
- Variable thicknesses available depending upon ampacity
- Welders Certified to AWS D1.2
Insulator System
- Bus support insulators
- Standard high strength epoxy
- Optional porcelain with complex alumina-silica coating, fusion bonded to the surface
- High creep design
- Available to meet all BIL Levels
Optional Accessory Items
- Heater systems
- Air pressurization
- Forced air cooling
- PT/Surge/CT Cubicles
- Cable tap boxes
- Disconnect switch
- IR viewing windows
- GCB Platforms
Structural Supports
- Custom engineered
- In-house design and fabrication
- Wind, Snow, Seismic calculation capability
PE Certification
- Galvanized
- Welders Certified to AWS D1.21
- Field adjustable
- Generator circuit breaker platforms
Rating Table
Isolated Phase Bus products – High currents with maximum integrity
IPB Rating Table
Our custom configurations are engineered to meet the requirements of each customer’s installation using our established, proven design technology. Contact your local Technibus sales representative to learn more about our capabilities and products, or view our brochure page to download a brochure.